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Lab Unlimited provide comprehensive service support for in-Line and off-Line process monitors and controllers.
The monitors / transmitters supported by Lab Unlimited cover the Emerson, WTW, and Orbisphere range. Within this range, a wide spectrum of processes are controlled and monitored.
The in-line and off-line parameters supported by Carl Stuart Ltd cover Dissolved CO2, Dissolved N2, Dissolved O2/O3, Conductivity, Resistivity, pH, and Temperature. The industries supported by this product range include Pharmaceutical, Food, Brewing, and Power.
Temperature validation of processes is also supported. These processes include pasteurisation, loop temperature monitoring, and storage/warehouse mapping. Within a storage/warehouse area, humidity parameter can also be mapped. Mapping of parameters are tailored to your requirements and can be carried out over an hour to 24 hours or longer. All validation is tailored to your specific requirements, with full documentation and certification supplied.